Corporate Solutions


Why Corporate Workplace Solutions?
Stress levels are rising among employed Indians because of growing uncertainty in jobs and the hostility at the workplace which is increasing anxiety in their personal lives as well, as the recent studies have revealed.
Increasing stress has, in turn, led to a surge in the number of people who are suffering from depression. Employers, therefore, face an increasing challenge of dealing with workers who are not only personally depressed but may also adversely impact the productivity.
Workforce in the healthcare and pharmaceuticals industries reported the maximum rise, 65%, while those in the retail industry showed the minimum rise, 52%. A study by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations found that India’s rapid economic expansion has boosted corporate profits and employee incomes but has also sparked a surge in work-related stress and lifestyle diseases. Moreover, very few Indian companies have done anything to tackle this.

Dedicated workforce
Employees give their best performance in a free enterprise. A longer commitment with the job responsibility ensures the survival and growth of the organisation in the longer run.

Reduction in Attrition rate
The reduction in stress of workforce helps to maintain the dedicated workforce with the organisation.

Enthusiastic work environment
The job satisfaction at the workplace stimulates the positivity to work in the organisation.

More focused & efficient workforce
The clarity with life goals and aspirations helps in gaining focus on important aspects of work improving efficiency of the work done.

Better scalability and growth
The reduced attrition of workforce helps to save up on the cost of training and development of the new recruited workforce in addition to that the existing workforce is more efficient contributing in better scalability of operations.

How do corporate workplace solutions work ?
The moment you are ready to acknowledge that you have a problem, that very moment is the one which will define how successful the organisation can be. We believe in taking responsibility to strike balance in the life goals of workforce.

Understanding the work culture
Identifying the cause of stress
Focussing on solving the problem
Taking holistic approach towards finances
Enable them to make better financial decisionsEmpower workforce towards financial freedom

Why Investin Financial Solutions ?
Investin Financial Solutions has exclusive tie-ups through which we serve the needs of numerous employees from diverse organisations. Our services come at no cost to the company and we work with the company’s endorsement. Our offerings include:
Money & Me For Women
A 60 minutes workshop to provide guidance over basics of finance to the women workforce in the organisation.

Blissful life
It’s a week-long event to eliminate mental, emotional, financial and physical stress of the workforce.

Income Tax Return Filling
Setting- up Income tax return desk for helping employees by filing their returns.

Financial Wellness Program
A workshop that provides a clear roadmap to achieve life goals of employees.

Fiscal fitness
A 45 Minutes session on ensuring efficient tax-planning that creates fiscal fitness along with financial fitness.

We believe in rewriting your Money story- This session was all about forming a different perspective all together for creation, maximisation and sustaining your wealth.
We believe success should not be measured by lifestyle – But by the freedom of ability to make choices. As the definition of success differs from person to person but in true sense when we take a pause from the hurriedness of our life and just sit back quietly to analyze that is this the way I always wanted to live. Life is all about choices the small disciplined choices which we take right now may be we won’t be privileged enough to see the outcome in short term but in long term it really pays off the best interest. Why building a pipeline is important than digging a well every day in your life. What are your wealth demons and who’s your wealth genie. What is the power of equity, how compounding acts like an armor against inflation. We all need a coach someone who can walk with us on our journey to guide us in the path to help us in turning all the milestones.

•Survey finds 57% rise in work-related stress in India (Read more)
•India Inc looks to deal with rising stress in employees (Read more)
•Workplace stress alert: 60% of employees plan to quit jobs soon, says a survey (Read more)
•India Inc’s woes with workplace stress (Read more)