Money Management for Women


Why Money Management for Women ?
It is not uncommon for both men and women to be employed in the urban setting. The days of a male breadwinner solely providing income security to a family are behind us. Gender equality is now an accepted norm in many parts and where it is not, there are growing call for women to get their due.

As more women get access to equal opportunities at work, home and society, there is a need for reorganisation of how finances are managed in the family setting and on an individual level. Women need money management because

They are valuable members of the society
Women have gained respect as bread winners, providers and managers of their family.

Financial independence
Increased financial independence due to proper money management translates into better opportunities and positive societal change.

Women have distinct needs
Women can choose to have children or take a break to raise them. This means they may have fewer earning years than their male partners.

Women on an average tend to outlive men and need more money to fund longer life-spans.

Time constraint
In present time both the spouses in families work now and with increasing working hours and job responsibilities the interaction moments have shrinked leading to less disclosure on financial decisions